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How Does CBD Affect Hair Loss And Growth?

Long stigmatized by its association with marijuana, CBD has now gone mainstream, with more and more people discovering its powerful health benefits. This all-natural, non-psychoactive hemp extract is gaining popularity as a holistic remedy for everything from anxiety to joint pain to sleep disorders. But what about using CBD for hair growth?

If you’re hoping to reverse hair loss or grow out your hair, it may be time to consider adding CBD to your hair care regimen. CBD may work to restore balance and holistic wellness to every area of the body– and that includes your hair. By helping to balance hormone levels, manage stress, and promote healthy sebum (natural oil) production, CBD has the potential to improve your hair and scalp health. And that means thicker, healthier and glossier hair! Read on to discover how CBD works and how to use CBD for optimum hair growth and wellness.

What Is CBD?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a natural compound in the Cannabis sativa (hemp) plant. It is a safe, non-addictive substance with numerous potential health benefits. CBD is officially approved for medical use as an anti-seizure medication, and is also used to treat health conditions ranging from chronic pain, inflammation and anxiety to neurological disorders and autoimmune diseases. Many people find CBD to be effective at supporting overall wellness, improving mental health, and enhancing recovery after exercise.

Unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD doesn’t cause a person to feel “high” or “stoned”. CBD is widely available in a variety of forms, such as oils, capsules and topical products. It is legal throughout the United States and in many countries because it is derived from the hemp plant, which contains only trace amounts of THC.

Is CBD Safe?

CBD is considered a safe substance with a low risk of adverse side effects. In the World Health Organization’s 2017 report on CBD it says, “CBD is generally well tolerated with a good safety profile. Reported adverse effects may be as a result of drug-drug interactions between CBD and patients’ existing medications.”

Side effects of CBD are rare and mild, and usually occur at very high dosages. The most common side effect is a headache. A 2011 study found that up to 1,500 mg/day of CBD are well tolerated in humans and do not cause changes to blood pressure, body temperature, heart rate or appetite. Most people take less than 100 mg/day, making side effects unlikely.

Since CBD is usually sold as a supplement, not a medicine, the CBD market is largely unregulated. Some un-reputable companies may sell CBD products laced with harmful toxins or contaminants. For this reason, it’s very important to use only pure, high-quality CBD from trustworthy sources. People who take prescription medications should consult their doctors before adding CBD to their wellness regimens.

How Does CBD Work?

CBD works to support the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS). While the ECS doesn’t get much attention, it’s incredibly important for maintaining balance and homeostasis in the body! The ECS helps to regulate key functions like sleep, digestion, mood, inflammation, pain response and more. Our bodies produce natural endocannabinoids that bind to the cannabinoid receptors in the ECS to maintain physical and emotional equilibrium.

CBD interacts with our cannabinoid receptors to enhance the production of these natural endocannabinoids. This activates and extends the body’s natural healing mechanisms. CBD is believed to help relieve pain, reduce inflammation, relax muscles, combat anxiety and depression, and support a healthy immune system. The best part is that these therapeutic effects are produced naturally by the body, which means CBD may support healing and wellness with minimal side effects.

How Does CBD Help Your Hair And Scalp?

CBD is a wonderful ingredient that your body is already familiar with. However, in time and with the introduction of damage to our scalp and hair, we deplete the integrity of the hair. Introducing CBD back into your body may ensure you rebalance and strengthen your hair from within.

CBD For Dry Hair And Dry Scalp

If your hair starts to look like straw and feels dull lately, it may be time to introduce CBD oil into your hair care routine. CBD carries 21 amino acids which are perfectly balanced and harmonize with each other, meaning no amino acid goes to waste for your hair. The deposit and presence of these amino acids may moisturize and strengthen hair.

CBD is also rich in antioxidants, which may help to protect your hair against environmental factors, keeping them strong and healthy even in harsh conditions.

CBD For Thinning Hair

Hair thinning can be caused by various internal issues, one in particular is stress related effluvium, which is thinning of hair. CBD could work to rebalance your central nervous system allowing you to deal with stressors in a way that will not disrupt your hair’s ability to retain natural hair hold and decrease hair thinning.

Does CBD Help Prevent Hair Loss?

Since CBD has been shown to increase blood circulation, applying CBD products to the scalp for hair loss may be effective because it can soothe and calm the skin and encourage hair growth around the follicle. CBD may also reduce inflammation to help combat thinning hair by creating a more nurturing environment for hair to grow.

Better blood flow offers many benefits for the body, especially around hair follicles, encouraging hair growth. Since CBD may increase cerebral blood flow, it brings more nutrients to hair follicles while removing harmful toxins and thus allowing hair to become healthier and stronger.

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Does CBD Help Hair Growth?

Some people can easily (and quickly) grow long, luscious hair while the rest of us have problems with growing our hair stronger and thicker. Fortunately, regular use of CBD may promote healthy hair growth with Omega-3, Omega-6, and Omega-9 fatty acids. When absorbed by the scalp, they help stimulate hair growth.

Researchers have also found cannabinoid receptors (called CB1 and CB2) in hair follicles, and one study showed that CBD might impact hair growth in a dose dependent way: lower doses seem to stimulate hair growth while high doses seem to inhibit it.

Can CBD Regrow Hair?

Studies have shown that the ECS (endocannabinoid system) is a key player in hair follicle cell growth control.

CBD For Hair Growth Dosage

Topical CBD products may help to combat excess hair loss and promote healthy hair growth. A 2021 study found that CBD can boost hair growth in people with androgenetic alopecia (pattern hair loss caused by genetics and aging). The study subjects who applied a topical hemp oil with 3-4 mg of CBD once a day experienced an amazing 93.5% increase in hair after six months.

While the ideal dosage will vary from person to person, it’s recommended to apply a product with 2-5 mg of CBD to the scalp every day to support hair growth. Start with a lower dosage and work your way up gradually if needed.

CBD For Different Hair Types

CBD can be great for all hair types because our hair is genetically generated from the same forms of bonds and lipids, no matter the ethnicity or hair texture. Therefore, CBD may provide benefits for all hair types.

Is CBD Good For Seborrheic Dermatitis?

Seborrheic Dermatitis is caused by unbalanced sebum (oil) production on your scalp. CBD may help your body to readjust how much oil your scalp produces by providing a calming and natural aide directly on contact. The outcome can be a regulated and healthy amount of scalp oil vs. excessive production of oil which will alleviate S.D. symptoms.

CBD For Stress

Stress and hormonal imbalance are some of the most common reasons that women experience hair loss. This is especially true with women going through pregnancy or menopause, as hormone levels drastically fluctuate, leading to hair loss and thinning.

We know through research that DHT is responsible for causing receding hairlines and scalp balding. While most external treatments alone cannot help you to solve this problem, CBD may help.

CBD interacts with several receptors that control the hormone regulation functions in the body. Cannabinoids can work to achieve hormonal balance (homeostasis) to aid in coping with hair loss and also help in stimulating hair growth.

Similarly, stress can have a major impact on your scalp health and overall nutrient availability for hair growth. It can also influence hormone imbalances, only furthering the problem. CBD has powerful anti-anxiety and anti-stress benefits that aid in creating feelings of calm and relaxation. It helps to balance stress levels in the body and in turn keeps the chemicals responsible for hair growth at the right levels to give you gorgeous hair.

CBD For Anxiety

Anxiety is the most common mental health condition. It’s also a major trigger for hair loss and thinning, especially when paired with stress. This can set off a vicious cycle in which anxiety causes hair loss, which creates more stress and anxiety, which causes even more hair loss! It’s extremely frustrating for many women, but CBD could help you break the cycle.

There are a few ways that anxiety can cause hair loss or stalled hair growth. The body may temporarily pause hair growth and shift hair to the “resting” phase, worry and stress can cause people to excessively pull or pick at their hair, or a stressed-out immune system may attack the actual hair follicles. In all of these cases, CBD may help to address the root cause of the problem by supporting balanced serotonin levels and deep relaxation.

CBD has been proven to reduce stress and improve physical symptoms of anxiety, such as tense muscles and an elevated heart rate. Research suggests that CBD may benefit people with different forms of anxiety, such as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), social anxiety disorder (SAD) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). A 2010 study found that people with SAD experienced reduced anxiety levels after taking a 400-mg dose of oral CBD. Another study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that 10 out of 11 patients saw a decrease in PTSD symptom severity after taking CBD.

Anxiety often makes it difficult to get adequate rest and sleep, which are essential for growing beautiful healthy hair. CBD may help you unwind after a stressful day and fall asleep more easily. It helps to balance the hormones that regulate your mood and supports good physical, mental and hair health from the inside out.

CBD For Pain And Inflammation

CBD is gaining recognition as an effective, safe and non-addictive painkiller. It works to reduce inflammation in the injured part of the body, supports the body’s natural healing process, and relaxes tense muscles that may be causing pain.

While the mechanisms for CBD reducing pain and inflammation aren’t entirely clear, research suggests that CBD may interact with neurological receptors that communicate pain messages to the brain. CBD also has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. A 2021 study by Syracuse University found that taking CBD reduced the pain response in healthy adults. Another study of 131 chronic pain patients found that 94% reported an improved quality of life and 53% were able to reduce or eliminate opioid use after taking CBD for 8 weeks.

While more research is needed, CBD has the potential to support pain relief and reduced inflammation for both short-term injuries and chronic health conditions.

CBD Supports Balance (Hormonal Imbalances And Menopause)

The human body is constantly in flux, working to maintain a delicate balance or homeostasis. Even a small change in one area of your health can throw off this balance, possibly causing symptoms until your body is able to restore homeostasis.

CBD may have the ability to provide relief for women who suffer from hormonal imbalances. A small-scale study has indicated that CBD may help to regulate the secretion of one of our stress-activating hormones cortisol. High levels of cortisol can impact other hormone levels including thyroid-stimulating hormones and sex hormones. Any cortisol-reducing activities can therefore help to support overall hormone balance. In addition, when choosing hemp-based CBD products, you get a boost of omega fatty acids and gamma-linolenic acid, both of which may contribute to hormone health.

CBD may also have the ability to help balance out mood changes, reduce sleep disturbances and lower the rate of bone density loss that can happen during menopause. The endocannabinoid system is a group of cell receptors, called cannabinoid receptors, found in the brain, organs, and tissues throughout the body. This system plays a crucial role in menopause.

There are cannabinoid receptors throughout the female reproductive system too, with menopause disrupting the endocannabinoid system. This may explain some of the effects of pre-menopause such as anxiety, depression, mood swings, and lower libido.

It has been suggested that CBD may help to reduce symptoms of menopause, with a recent small-scale study finding CBD could help to relieve chronic pain, lower inflammation and improve sleep – all concerns that can occur during menopause.

Broad Spectrum CBD vs Full Spectrum CBD and Isolate CBD

When it comes to CBD, there are seemingly endless options to choose from– but what are the different types of CBD, and which one is right for you? Basically, CBD comes in three varieties: full spectrum CBD, broad spectrum CBD and CBD isolate.

Full-spectrum CBD contains all the phytochemicals naturally found in the hemp plant, including CBD, trace cannabinoids, terpenes, essential oils and very small amounts of THC. All of these compounds work synergistically to deliver optimum health benefits. Although full spectrum CBD contains only trace amounts of THC and does not cause a “high”, frequent use could potentially result in a positive drug screen. Broad spectrum CBD contains all the phytochemicals from the hemp plant except for THC. CBD isolate contains only purified and concentrated CBD, with all of the other ingredients removed.

All three types of CBD have pros and cons depending on your unique situation. Full-spectrum CBD is best for those who want the full “entourage effect” (the benefits from all the phytochemicals working as a team) and don’t mind consuming small amounts of THC. Broad spectrum CBD may be a good option for people who want the entourage effect but want to stay THC-free. CBD isolate is preferred for higher dosages under medical supervision. It is odorless and flavorless, making it highly versatile and more approachable for first-time CBD users.

Where Does Goldie Locks® Get Their CBD?

Our products contain organically-grown, high-quality hemp, sourced from a farm located in Colorado. Each Goldie Locks® CBD product is tested for quality, potency, and purity - from bloom to bottle. Goldie Locks® Hair, Mood & Energy Dietary Supplements with CBD was created from our desire to restore peace and wellness to our daily lives, while synergistically working with our other ingredients to provide optimal results that aim to improve your hair, mood and energy

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